Saturday, August 23, 2014

Where I'm Headed Next...

So, I ran out of time to finish posting about last year's Europe trip. I will finish France when I get back, I promise. So where am I going you ask? 3½ weeks adventuring around Eastern Europe is about to begin. I leave TOMORROW (still hasn't hit me)! I will be in: Moscow, Russia Aug. 26-29 / St. Petersburg, Russia Aug. 29-3 / Budapest, Hungary Sept. 3-9 (Yes, I will be celebrating my birthday here) / Vienna, Austria Sept. 9-13 / Prague, Czech Sept. 13-19. Stay tuned on Instagram for pictures. & I will take a bunch on my camera. Let's just hope it won't take a whole year to pass before I post about it. 

Anyways... got to finish packing and run some last minute errands.
See you soon.